Friday, 17 May 2013

Working Group Adaptation - Historic Proposal of the United States of America

Distinguished Delegates of the WG Adaptation,

 As we have seen yesterday, in terms of financing the newly created merged Adaptation and Mitigation fund, we didn’t come up with a solution.
Even though the United States cannot accept the proposal of the ENGO, who we would like to thank very much anyway, we are aware of our historic burden towards climate change.
Not being able to accept the current proposition by the ENGO working Group, the United States Delegation developed a counter-proposition, which comprises the following aspects:

1) The United States as the current highest emitter will provide 8% of the total new fund to be created, under the following conditions 2-4
2) The other G8 countries (including China) will provide at least 5% of the fund each.
3)  It is still to discuss whether these funding will be provided on a donation basis or on a loan basis.
4) Fundings will be on an annual, ongoing basis.

 It is the opinion of the United States’ Delegates that urgent action has to be undertaken to tackle the issue of financing, therefore we have decided to make this proposition,
Being aware that the 8 richest countries in the world are responsible for a huge part of climate change issues, and also the US has to bear a relatively higher burden in this context,
We decided to launch this proposal with the goal of encouraging our G8 partners to provide as much money as possible.

Best regards on behalf of the US Delegation,

Maria Di Biasio   David Loose    Julian Hillebrand

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